Thursday, October 2, 2008

Summary 1(Storing CO2 a ways off)

US had put a lot of effort in carbon sequestration technology, yet they still need more time and money. They are already able to store carbon dioxide; however, the methods to collect the gas before it is released to the air are still not mature. Some workable methods are not economically feasible, however. Half of US's power comes from coal-fired power plants. To collect and store carbon dioxide from those plants can reduce the greenhouse gas significantly. It is also the US government's main approach to tackle global warming. Another problem is where to store the greenhouse gas. The feasibility of storing carbon dioxide underground is questioned. There might be some unforeseen problems after carbon dioxide is pumped underground. Sufficient preparation and research need to be done before making the first move.

Gale. (2008). Official: Storing CO2 a ways off. Retrieved October 08, 2008, from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center,

1 comment:

Dara said...

You have most of the main details but you need to paraphrase more. If you used this summary in an essay, you would be plagiarizing. The only other issue is that Gale is the publisher not the author. Brian Bowling is the author.